Red Cedar Friends Meeting

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Lansing


Dear Friends,

Since 2020, Red Cedar Friends has envisioned several ways of keeping Friends connected as a beloved community. We now offer worship in-person at 9:00 a.m. and a hybrid in-person and Zoom worship at 10:30 a.m. on First Day.  Children’s programming meets during the 10:30 a.m. worship.  Meeting for Worship with attention to Business meets at 12:15 on the second First Day of each month, except Seventh month (July) in a hybrid format, both in person and by Zoom.

For RCF Facebook users, we have the Social Hall, where we post announcements and share personal news or reflections.  We continue to send announcements directly to RCF Friends’ email accounts.

Twice a month, except during summer months, we have Adult Religious Education offerings on a variety of topics.

For more information, please write us through our Contact page.

In Peace and Love


At our meeting for worship, Friends gather in expectant silence, out of which those who are led to speak offer vocal ministry. Red Cedar Friends Meeting is an unprogrammed Quaker meeting. Unprogrammed meetings do not have pastors, a formal program for worship, organized communal prayers, or planned hymn-singing.

As a community, we are committed to traditional Quaker testimonies of equality, simplicity, stewardship, integrity, community, and peace. We are open, affirming, and appreciative of spiritual seekers.. We are diverse by age, and people come from many religious backgrounds and traditions.

At this time of conflict in the world, Friends often find strength and inspiration in our Peace Testimony. An early expression of this Testimony is from the 1660 “Declaration from the Harmless and Innocent people of God, called Quakers,” … “We utterly deny all outward wars and strife, and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretence whatsoever; this is our testimony to the whole world.”

On April 10, 2022, Red Cedar Friends Meeting came to unity on a minute entitled “Advice on Sexual and Reproductive Rights, Including Abortion.” Traditionally, Quakers have not only supported the equality and dignity of women, but we have also supported fair and enlightened systems of criminal justice. This minute is particularly salient given the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Please read the full text of this minute. In addition, read “Quakers Must Take a Position on Abortion”, (Friends Journal, August 8, 2022),

Greg Williams of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting in Boston, MA speaks on "Holding the Peace: Quaker Nonviolence in the Time of Black Lives Matter"